Saturday, January 28, 2023

Quantum Computing

First let's start off with what is quantum computing. It's computing that makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information. One scholar source states that "interest in the field grew in the 1990's with the introduction of Shor's algorithm which if implemented on a quantum computer would exponentially speed up an important class of cryptoanalysis and potentially threaten some of the cryptographic methods used to protect government and civilian communications and stored data". One primary source (IBM) states that "We are continuously scaling up and advancing our quantum technology across hardware, software and classical integration to meet the biggest challenges of our time, in conjunction with our partners and clients worldwide. This work will prove foundational for the coming era of quantum-centric supercomputing." One secondary states that "Quantum computing could eventually revolutionize the way medicines are developed, financial options are priced, and climate change is managed, experts say. It’s been lauded for its ability (or, at least, its potential) to complete complex calculations in a fraction of the time it would take even the fastest traditional computers today." One thing is certain quantum computing is a revolutionary piece of technology that has changed computing forever.

Scholar Reference:

Primary Reference:

Secondary Source:


  1. I used to wonder how much power it takes to use a quantum computer but found out that it actually reduce power consumption because it uses quantum tunneling. Trustworthy source is best to use on doing research though. I like academic sourcing best.

  2. Quantum computing, what a hot topic!

    Excellent example of sources for each of the three types of sources required by 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Sources ^_^

    I'm curious to see how quantum computing develops and impacts our lives :-)

  3. Already my brain hurts. I am interested in how this field could and will revolutionize medical field, human and other.

  4. Great subject! I'm very curious to see how quantum computing in 40 years from now! When we are capable to keep the computers much much colder for increased efficiency and speeds!

  5. Quantum computing is indeed apart of revolutionary technology that has the potential to solve problems that classical computers cannot. II learned from your primary source of its ability to process vast amounts of information simultaneously and its unique features such as superposition and entanglement, make it an important tool in fields such as cryptography, chemistry, and finance. It's really cool! :)

  6. Yes, scholarly is definitely the best when looking for specific and true information and uses algorithms to sort things out. Thank you for sharing this information it gave me more knowledge on quantum computing.

  7. quantum computing sounds so fascinating from your blog. Hope that quantum computer could be massively produced soon. I really wanna try to use it.

  8. Wow, what an exhilarating topic, I have heard of the term Quantum Computing but never looked at the in depth function and mechanism of it. Using subatomic particles to store information sounds ideal in helping us store files much easier. We are often facing the dilemma of storing information in todays age as we are sometimes left with the options to either to buy more storage or remove and lose the data from our mobile, and computing devices but I believe Quantum Computing can revolutionize this dilema. It can offer us the opportunity to store data without compromising any data stored on our devices. The secondary sources you used described many of the ways we can benefit from Quantum Computing and although this source isn't as trustworthy I do incline to agree with the statements considering the capabilities Quantum Computing has such as the uncapped calculating and processing speeds todays computers cannot produce.

  9. Quantum computing will definitely always interest me. The supposed speeds of a quantum computer is mind blowing. Thinking of the speeds is like the brain trying to comprehend infinity. Hopefully when quantum computing is finally cracked, it gets put into the right hands.

  10. This is the first I'm hearing of this topic! Thank you for sharing, i'll definitely be looking more into it.

  11. i research time to time to understand what quantum computing is. All i understand is that it is a scientific experimentation still in infancy. The purpose is the tools to be able to compute calculations that is very difficult for normal computer.

  12. ive never heard about quantum computing but it seems so interesting
