Saturday, January 21, 2023

New Year 2023

Happy 2023, I hope nothing disastrous happens this year or in the next coming decade. Since the 2008 financial crash, the world has witnessed an unprecedented outbreak of social protest in every major continent. Beginning with the birth of the Occupy movement in the US and Western Europe, and the Arab Spring, the eruption of civil unrest has continued to wreak havoc unpredictably from Greece to Ukraine, from China to Thailand, from Brazil to Turkey, and beyond. In some regions, civil unrest has coalesced into the collapse of incumbent governments or even the eruption of a prolonged state of internecine warfare, as is happening in Iraq-Syria and Ukraine-Russia. Increasing public dissatisfaction with government is correlated with continued government difficulties in meeting public expectations.


  1. Love your "I really wish I weren't living through a major historical event right now" photo :-)

    Welcome to IS101-3003, Spring 2023 Jan ^_^

  2. Thank you for sharing the picture its true we are going through a historical even. I wasn't aware that all those countries had social protests. Public expectations are difficult to meet sometimes.

  3. I guess that is called awakening! Things can get a bit shaky for thing to be aligned and balanced. I am still optimistic about the future.

  4. The past decade has definitely been messy, specifically the past 5 years in the United States. I hope you look forward to this semester!

  5. I like the art/photo. It has been a rollercoaster ride for me personally for the past 20 years but we get back up. We can just look forward to this semester just for the day. ;-)

  6. Hope the world full of peace and love. Without war, Our civilization will increase rapidly followed by our life quality.

  7. Hello Jan, It's great to meet you. I was surprised by how many countries were experiencing civil protests, although we are also in the middle of a warfare going on in other countries it is for certain times have been harsher and more brutal in the past. The mid and late 1900's were filled with world wars and weaponry tensions, the U.S was at war with numerous countries diminishing the hopes people had of one day living in a more peaceful and civilized time. I really wish our futures will be in good hands and we would no longer have to live with the dread feelings of going through another violent and deadly historical event.

  8. Love the image! I also worry about the future, considering the horrible pandemic we just went through. But we must stay positive! :)

  9. I don't think there has ever been a time in recent history where there hasn't been an on going war, civil unrest or an outbreak of some kind. I will say COVID 19 was unprecedented in that it affected first, second and third world countries. Live long enough and speak with your elders, you find this isn't new under the sun. It is all a matter of degrees unto which certain events and things happen.

  10. Preach, the world could use a break right about now!

  11. The world has become so ugly and so have the people in it. People tear each other down these days to build themselves up....its sad.

  12. Jan, I love the image that you used! I am not disagreeing with you, but I would like to be a devil's advocate. Humor me? I can understand how tiring it is to hear/see all the unrest that has been going on around the world, and in our own back yard for the past several years; however, if you could control what history looks like, and if you could have the power of what the future looks like, what would that be? A world without problems? I'm not justifying every single horrible moment of history that has happened since 2008, nor am I justifying all the negativity that has occurred, but I am trying to see if maybe you can see how from all that negativity, a lot of positivity has also flourished?

  13. Hey Jan! I also hope nothing crazy happens this year lol. Its been a lot I feel like we all just need a break.
