Friday, May 5, 2023

Catching up and some advice

All I remember about Spring Break was catching up everyday on my LabSim and catching up with friend I didn't speak with for a while. So all I can offer is some advice on catching up. If you're falling behind, let your professor know immediately. If you are enrolled in a self-paced program, speak with your academic advisor. Offer an explanation and ask what you can do to get back on track. If you fall behind toward the end of the semester, your professor may be willing to give you an "I," or an "Incomplete." This grade serves as a placeholder until you have turned in all your assignments. Your professor will probably assign a deadline for turning in your work. Whatever you work out, be sure you understand your professor's expectations before you end the conversation.


  1. Excellent advice, Jan ^_^

    Often students disappear without a word, giving no chance for the professor or school to help!

    Communicate, communicate, communicate :-)

  2. Yes, communicating with your professors when you're having a difficult time is extremely important. Asking for help is never a bad thing sometimes things get difficult. Yes, you can ask for an incomplete just be sure to have a valid reason.

  3. That's good advice, life truly does do it's thing sometimes and acts as a barricade preventing people from doing what they gotta do!

  4. Communication is always key and hopefully you will have a receptive professor. However, when speaking with a professor be humble, ask for help and possibly offer suggestions.

  5. Don't hesitate to reach out to your professor or seek additional support to effectively manage your workload and catch up with your assignments.

  6. Catching up on LabSim everyday was tiring. I appreciate your hard work and hope you can get an A on this class.

  7. I completely agree with you that communication is key when it comes to falling behind in coursework. It's always best to let your instructor know as soon as possible, since most of the time, they tend to be understanding as they may be able to offer helpful advice or accommodations to help you catch up. :)
